Our restaurant offers a selection of of local and western menus for a hassle-free holiday and stay.
Operating hours : 7.00am to 9.00pm daily
NOTICE: Our Open Deck is currently closed for improvements works. We look forward to serving you better.
RATES Rates quoted are in Ringgit Malaysia.
CHECK-IN & CHECK-OUT TIME The official check-in time is after 1400hrs and check-out time is no later than 1200hrs.
Late check-out is subject to room availability on the relevant day, to be reconfirmed with the front office staff.
A levy of 50% of the applicable room rate shall apply for early check-in from 0700 to 1400 hours and late check-out from 1200 to 1800 hours. A levy of 100% of the applicable room rate shall apply for late check-out later than 1800hrs.
Room not occupied by 2100 hours will be deemed as No Show, unless prior arrangement has been made.
NO-SHOW POLICY Should there be a no-show on the scheduled arrival date; all reservation payment for the total duration of stay shall be forfeited.
ROOM USE FOR ACCOMMODATION ONLY AND INDEMNITY All guests and users of the rooms and/or the hotel facilities shall at all times comply with and observe the hotel’s rules and regulations as may be made and/or amended from time to time by the hotel. All guests and users shall indemnify and keep indemnified the hotel and/or the management and/or owner and/or any third parties against any claim, loss, damage, cost or expense suffered howsoever arising from such infringement.
EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY The hotel will not be held responsible for circumstance beyond its control such as but not limited to cancellation or disruption of stay due to new laws and regulations, power failures, water supply disruptions and in-completions of the building.